New Version 3.68.1 of Barnes CPT/CAT PVT Tool Now Available!

April 2024 Barnes International has released a new version of the CPT/CAT 3000v3CL Personalisation Validation Tool Software to improve the user experience. Version 3.68.1 (Apr 2024) adds: Product [...]

New Version of Mastercard CPV – Barnes CPT v4 (CPVPVT2) Now Available

November 2023 Following the release by Mastercard of Profile Advisor v1.3.17 and Rule Set v320, the Mastercard CPV process will change. Main updates in Profile Advisor v1.3.17 include: The [...]

New Version 3.66 of Barnes CPT/CAT PVT Tool Now Available!

June 2022 Barnes International has released a new version of the CPT/CAT 3000v3CL Personalisation Validation Tool Software to improve the user experience. Version 3.66.0 (Jun 2022) adds: Product [...]

Barnes PVT for the VISA Certification Validation Process

  Save time and money when submitting your cards to VISA for certification Barnes CPT 3000v3CL PVT tool enables Issuers and Card Personalisation Bureaus to validate and pre-certify their [...]

Barnes Software Update for Mastercard CPV

January 2022 Barnes International has released a new version of the Mastercard CPV Certification Test Module. Version 14.1.2 (Dec 2021) adds product enhancements and certification library [...]

New Version 3.65 of Barnes CPT/CAT PVT Tool Now Available!

November 2021 Barnes International has released a new version of the CPT/CAT 3000v3CL Personalisation Validation Tool Software to improve the user experience. Version 3.65.0 (Nov 2021) adds: [...]

Barnes has released the new version 3.64 of its CPT/CAT PVT Tool

August 2021 Barnes International has released a new version of the CPT/CAT 3000v3CL Personalisation Validation Tool Software to improve the user experience. Version 3.64.0 (Aug 2021) adds: [...]

Barnes has released the new version 3.63 of its CPT/CAT PVT Tool

April 2021 Barnes International is pleased to announce that a new version 3.63.0 of the Barnes CPT & CAT Software used by Issuers, Payment Schemes, Personalisation Bureaus and Laboratories [...]

Barnes CPT: the 1st Visa-qualified Test Tool for Self-Service PVT

The CPT 3000v3CL from Barnes International is the FIRST Visa-Qualified Test Tool for Self-Service Personalization Validation Testing with report submission facility Barnes International Limited [...]

Barnes has released the new version 3.62 of its CPT/CAT PVT Tool

September 2020 Barnes International is pleased to announce that a new version 3.62.0 of the Barnes CPT & CAT Software used by Issuers, Payment Schemes, Personalisation Bureaus and [...]

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