Card Issuing Consultancy
We can help you to develop
and enhance your EMV
issuance program
and enhance your EMV
issuance program
If you are looking to advance your existing program with innovative payment applications or new types of cards, extension to add dual interface or applications on the cards, our EMV Consultancy service means you expert support at your disposal. You can ensure your program delivers on your objectives.
Improve the effectiveness of EMV card development, QC and certification programs
Visa Europe Self-Certification Consultancy
Barnes can guide you through the Visa Europe Self Service Certification process, helping Issuers to select card parameters, complete VPA, creating a card template and successfully submitting this for certification. Our experts have worked for Visa and helped launch Visa card programs for over 20 years.
Take advantage of our EMV
Consultants’ vast experience
and expertise
Consultants’ vast experience
and expertise
As well as the formal training course, our consultants’ wide experience of the chip card industry can be used to assist and advise clients in the setting up and running of any or all of the systems associated with the issuing and processing of EMV payment cards, such as:
- Upgrading of cards to Dual Interface
- Upgrading of cards from SDA to DDA or DDA/CDA cards, or adding Off-line functionality to On-line only cards
- Production/QA testing of the personalized cards and payment devices
- System design and review
- Business requirements definition and translation to card setup
- Cryptographic key management
You are able to utilize the experience of our team to significantly reduce your costs, minimize project risk and optimize rollout timescales, leaving you free to focus on the core of your business.