TRUSTECH 3rd-5th December

 In Events, Exhibitions, News

We’re really looking forward to attending and exhibiting at TRUSTECH in Paris in December. Billed as ‘The Global Event Dedicated to Innovative Payments & Identification Solutions’ it is a great event for the card technology sector and extremely well attended.

Always a really busy three days, with a packed agenda of key note speakers, events and a large number of exhibitors. Plus catching up with colleagues and customers across the board to discuss the latest industry news and updates.

Celebrating it’s 40th anniversary, the organizers are introducing the first ever TRUSTECH Innovation Awards, a great initiative to highlight the continual innovations in the payment and identification sectors.

This year we will exhibiting on stand 5.2 C015, with a large number of our international team attending. We have lots of our own updates and developments to share and demonstrate as well, including;

See our interview on why we choose to exhibit at TRUSTECH


Visit us on stand 5.2 C015 or contact us now to book an appointment with one of our team.

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